Curriculum Vitae

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Hyo Jung KIm


  • Senior manager, Technological Lab, Kakaohealthcare, 2024.3 ~ present
  • Research Professor, Department of Digital Health, SAIHST, Sungkyunkwan Univ., 2021.09 - 2024.02
  • Postdoctoral Resaercher, Department of Digital Health, SAIHST, Sungkyunkwan Univ., 2020.09 - 2021.08
  • Postdoctoral Researcher, Institution for Future Medicine, Samsung Medical Center, 2020.09 - present.
  • Software Architect/DB programmer, Division of Medical Information and Technology, Yonsei University Healthcare System, 2008.10 - 2014.1
  • Staff Nurse, NICU, Severance Children’s Hospital, Yonsei University Healthcare System, 2004.05 - 2008.10


  • Ph.D. in Medical Informatics, Seoul National University, Advisor: Prof. Ju Han Kim, 2015.03 - 2020.08. (Dissertation: Clinical Genome Data Model towards Precision Medicine)
  • MSc. in Nursing Administration and Management, Yonsei University, 2011.03 - 2013.08. (Thesis: Effectiveness, usage and user satisfaction of nursing information system in a general hospital)
  • BSc. in Nursing, Yonsei University, 1999.03 - 2004.02.


  • SQL(DBMS experience: MS SQL server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SAP HANA, ORACLE, Big Query, alloyBD)
  • R/python/SPSS/AMOS for data science
  • Tableau for visualization

Grants & Fellowships (selected)

  • Creativity·Challenge Research, Granted by National Research Foundation of Korea, PI, 2021.06 - 2024.05 (Social Determinants of Health for Breast Cancer Survivor through Spatial Modeling in Geographical Information System.)
  • Future Medicine 2030 Project of the Samsung Medical Center, Participating Researcher, 2021.01 - 2023.12 (Researcher unmet demands based data-driven research platform construction)
  • Establishment of KAERS linkage and analysis algorithm of common data model (CDM) based on EHR, Granted by Korea Institute of Drug Safety & Risk Management, Participating Researcher ,2017
  • Global PhD Fellowship: Granted by National Research Foundation of Korea. PI, 2015.03 - 2020.02 _(Development of Algorithm for minimizing cost of drug combination with same therapeutic effect.)

Publications (Published or Accepted)

발표연월 제목 저널 저자 역할 구분 IF, 분위 (저널분야)
2024.05 Comprehensive Young Age Breast Cancer registry from clinical, genomics, and patient-reported outcomes measured with 15 years follow-up: the CHARM cohort profile Breast Cancer Kang, D., Park, S., Kim, H.J., et al. 공저자 SCIE Q4 (Medicine, Oncology)
2024.03 Traffic Exposure and Breast Cancer Mortality by Area of Residence: Incorporating Clinical and Socioeconomic Data MEDINFO 2023—The Future Is Accessible Kim, H.J., Cho S., et al. 1저자 Scopus international conference proceeding
2024.01 Impact of social support during diagnosis and treatment on disease progression in young patients with breast cancer: A prospective cohort study Cancer Research and Treatment Kang, D., Park, S., Kim, H.J., et al. 공저자 SCIE 5.03, Q1 (Medicine, Public Health)
2023.08 Pretreatment Endocrine Symptoms and Risk of Recurrence Among Young Pre-Menopausal Patients with Breast Cancer: A Prospective Cohort Study Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology Kang, D., Cho, J., Park, S., Kim, H.J., et al. 공저자 SCIE 5.485, Q1 (Medicine, Oncology)
2023.05 Development and application of an active pharmacovigilance framework based on electronic healthcare records from multiple centers in Korea Drug Safety Choe, S., Lee, S., Park, C., et al. 공저자 SCIE 5.23, Q1 (Medical Pharmacology, Medicine)
2023.03 Preliminary Attainability Assessment of Real-World Data for Answering Major Clinical Research Questions in Breast Cancer Brain Metastasis: Framework Development and Validation Study Journal of Medical Internet Research Kim, M.J.†, Kim, H. J.†, Kang, D., et al. 1저자 SCIE 7.08, Q1 (Medical Informatics)
2023.03 Primary neuroendocrine carcinoma of the breast: A case series by WHO classfication in 2019 Cancer Research Jeonm Y.K., Kim, J., Ahn, J. S., et al. 공저자 SCIE 12.70, Q1 (Oncology)
2023.03 Preliminary Attainability Assessment of Real-World Data for Answering Clinical Questions about Breast Cancer Brain Metastases Cancer Research Kim, M.J.†, Kim, H. J.†, Kang, D., et al. 1저자 SCIE 12.70, Q1 (Oncology)
2022.01 Reducing severe cutaneous adverse and type B adverse drug reactions using pre-stored human leukocyte antigen genotypes Clinical and Translational Allergy Lee, K. H., Kang, D. Y., Kim, H. H., et al. 공저자 SCIE 3.57, Q1 (Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine)
2021.11 Real-World Data from a Refractory Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cohort Selected Using a Clinical Data Warehouse Approach Cancers Kim, H.†, Kim, H. J.†, Kim, H., et al. 1저자 SCIE 6.886, Q1 (Oncology)
2020.08 Clinical Genome Data Model towards Precision Medicine 서울대학교 대학원 김효정 1저자 박사 학위 논문 -
2020.03 Extracting Structured Genotype Information from Free-Text HLA Reports Using a Rule-Based Approach Journal of Korean Medical Science Lee, K. H., Kim, H. J., Kim, Y. J., et al. 공저자 SCIE 5.354, Q1 (Medicine, miscellaneous)
2020.01 Clinical Genome Data Model (cGDM) provides Interactive Clinical Decision Support for Precision Medicine github Nature Scientific Reports Kim, H. J., Kim, H. J., Park, Y., et al. 1저자 SCIE 4.379, Q1 (Multidisciplinary)
2013.08 Effectiveness, Usage and User Satisfaction of Nursing Information System in a General Hospital 연세대학교 대학원 김효정 1저자 석사 학위 논문 -
2013.06 Assessment of Efficiency and Safety of the Comprehensive Chemotherapy Assistance Program for Ordering Oncology Medications International Journal of Medical Informatics Cho, E., Kim, H. J., Kim, G. M., et al. 공저자 SCIE 4.046, Q1 (Health Informatics)

Patent (등록 특허)

등록일자 특허명 등록국가 특허권자 발명자
2013.09.02 화학요법 처방 장치 및 방법 (Apparatus and Method for Prescription of Chemotheraphy) 대한민국 연세대학교 산학협력단 김효정, 신상준, 정혜경, 유철주
2021.09.15 정밀의료 게놈 데이터 모델 관리 장치 및 이의 관리 방법 (Genome data model managing apparatus for precision medicine and managing method thereof) 대한민국 서울대학교 산학협력단/서울대학교병원 김효정, 김주한

IT Project (selected)

Development Charge / Information system-Data Architect

  • 2020 EHR-based breast cancer registry construction (SMC)
  • 2013 Diabetes patient management system (YUHS) Digitalized PRN, verbal order process
  • 2012 Antibiotics Order Entry (YUHS)
  • 2010 - 2012 Chemotherapy Assistant Program (CAP, YUHS)
  • 2010 Smart View for enhancing continuity of patient care (YUHS)
  • 2009 Improvement of OVERALL Nursing Information System (YUHS)

Awards & Honors

  • 2015-2020 Global PhD Fellowship: Granted by National Research Foundation
  • 2013 Gold Prize, Oral Presentation, Severance QI Conference “Diabetes patient management system”
  • 2010 Bronze Prize, Oral Presentation, Severance QI Conference “Chemotherapy Assistant Program– outcome evaluation”
  • 2008 Grand Prize, Severance Infection Control Contest “Procedure Standardization in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
  • 2007 Silver Prize, Severance Infection Control Contest “The Outcome of Infection Control committee in NICU”
  • 2006 Gold Prize, Severance Infection Control Contest
  • 2004 Grand Prize, Severance Infection Control Contest Short movie clip – “Gray area”

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